Asp.Net Ckeditor Load Html File
A Mongo. DB Tutorial using C and ASP. NET MVCIn this post Im going to create a simple ASP. NET MVC website for a simple blog that uses Mongo. DB and the offical 1. C driver. Mongo. DB is no NOSQL database that stores information as Binary JSON BSON in documents. I have been working with it now for around 6 months on an enterprise application and so far am loving it. Our application is currently in alpha phase but should be public early next yearIf you are used to working with an RDBMS, it takes a little bit of getting used to as generally you work with a denormalized schema. This means thinking about things quite differently to how you would previously youre going to have repeating data which is a no no in a relational database, but its going to give you awesome performance, sure you may need an offline process that runs nightly and goes and cleans up your data, but for the real time performance gains its worth it. Download source. Our reasons for choosing Mongo. DB were performance and scalability. The application is dealing with a lot of data where a single page load would require many joins and become a very expesive query. Sure we could cache the result, but we really want our data in real time, and Mongo. DB allowed us to do this. Another reason was scalibility Mongo. DB supports automatic sharding, where once set up your data can be scaled horizontally across multiple machines were hosting on Amazon EC2, so for a very large collection table, you can split the data based on a key so that when making your query Mongo. DB knows which machine your data is stored on and can go straight there. Replica Sets is also an important feature for us to manage redundancy and failover. We can have multiple Mongo. DB instances running which essentially mirror each other. If one node goes down another one takes over and the application continues to perform. Mongo. DB is also the only NOSQL database Im aware of that has commerical support from its creators, 1. Anyway, on with the tutorial Id suggest reading the documentation on the Mongo. DB website and also the books by Kristina Chodorow. Also if you want a visual representation of your data Id suggest having a look at Mongo. Vue. The first step is to get Mongo. DB installed on your machine, follow the quickstart guides on the Mongo. DB website. If youre running windows, which you probably are as this blog is primarily about Microsoft technologies, you may also want to install Mongo. DB as a windows service. Okay so once its installed lets fire up Visual Studio and create a new ASP. NET MVC 3 web project. The first thing we want to do is add a reference to the 1. C driver which you can do via nuget. Right click on the libaries folder under the web project and choose Add Libary Package Reference, then search online for mongo and add a reference to the offical 1. As mentioned Mongo. DB stores its data in documents. A simple C POCO can be serialized as a document and stored by Mongo. DB. Documents can also contain other embedded documents or arrays of documents. Lets start by looking at my Post object that I will use for this blog tutorial. I have added a new class library to my soultion called Core where I will put my domain objects and services. Post. Scaffold. Columnfalse. Object. Id Post. Id get set. Scaffold. Columnfalse. Date. Time Date get set. Title get set. Scaffold. Columnfalse. Url get set. Summary get set. UIHintWYSIWYG. Allow. Html. public string Details get set. Scaffold. Columnfalse. Author get set. Scaffold. Columnfalse. Total. Comments get set. Scaffold. Columnfalse. IListlt Comment Comments get set. As you can see above Im also going to be using this domain model directly in my MVC views. Normally youd want to separate your domain model and view model and use something like Auto. Mapper to map between then, but for simplicity in this tutorial Im just going to use my domain model. All in all a pretty simple object, but youll notice my Post. MwZJaktr1RQ/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Asp.Net Ckeditor Load Html File' title='Asp.Net Ckeditor Load Html File' />Id property has a type of Object. Id. Most collections in Mongo. DB have a unique identifier which is stored in the field id. Game Virtua Cop 3 Full Version here. OGr7N3itE8/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Asp.Net Ckeditor Load Html File' title='Asp.Net Ckeditor Load Html File' />A unique index is automatically created on this field which cannot be removed. Mongo. DB has a special BSON type called Object. Id which is a 1. 2 byte values made up of a time stamp, the machine id, the process id and a sequence number. This should give a unique Id that can be used on your documents. If I named my property Id it would automatically become the id element in the document, but as I decided to call it Post. Id I must specify its the Id by using the Bson. Id attribute. You dont have to use the Object. Id type, but you do need to ensure that whatever you choose to use is unique. In the above example I could have used Url as my id field by adding the Bson. Id attribute to that field. Its worth noting that when serialized the field names will match the POCO properties except for the Post. Id which will actually be stored as id. So now I have my document I want to be able to store it. In this post Im going to create a simple ASP. NET MVC website for a simple blog that uses MongoDB and the offical 10gen C driver. MongoDB is no NOSQL. Search the worlds information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what youre looking for. Top VIdeos. Warning Invalid argument supplied for foreach in srvusersserverpilotappsjujaitalypublicindex. Introduction SmartAdmin WebApp goes beyond the ordinary admin template. Its unique flat design and responsive layout is crafted one of a kind. SmartAdmin includes 7. Asp.Net Ckeditor Load Html File' title='Asp.Net Ckeditor Load Html File' />To do this I need to create a connection to my Mongo. DB server, then choose my database and collection I want the document to belong to. Using the C driver I can do this with the following code. Mongo. Server. Createmongodb 1. Get. Databaseblog. Get. Collectionlt Post post. First I create an instance of the Mongo. Server object using a Mongo. DB connection string for my local instance of the server. Second I get an instance of Mongo. Database for my blog database from the server. Lastly I get the Mongo. Collection object for the collection I want to use. Mongo. Collection is the object you use to insert, update and query that collection. Im using the generic version of Mongo. Collection which speficies the domain object y. If the database or collection do not exist, then they will be created for you automatically. The C driver also has a class called Mongo. Connection. String. Helper that you can use to easily get the connection string from your web. I could add my connection string as follows. Strings. lt add nameMongo. DB connection. Stringserver1. Strings. I can then change my code to look like this. Mongo. Connection. String. BuilderConfiguration. Cakewalk Studio Instruments 1.0 Serial more. Manager. Connection. StringsMongo. DB. Connection. String. Mongo. Server. Createcon. Get. Databasecon. Database. Name. var collection db. Get. Collectionlt Post post. Now the server and database name are coming from the web. In my Core project I have created a Post. Service class which has the following Create method. CreatePost post. Mongo. Connection. String. Builder. Configuration. Manager. Connection. StringsMongo. DB. Connection. String. Mongo. Server. Createcon. Get. Databasecon. Database. Name. var collection db. Get. Collectionlt Post post. Comments new Listlt Comment. Savepost. The method accepts an instance of my post object as a parameter that I will save to Mongo. DB. I can do that easily by calling the Save method of Mongo. Collection passing it the object. Mongo. Collection also has Insert and Update methods which Save calls internally depending on the value of the id field. The only other thing Im doing in this method is initializing my Comments property as a new list, which will create an empty array in Mongo. DB. Later Ill explain how to push comment objects into this array, but if I didnt initialize it the value would be null in the document and I couldnt push to it.