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FCC Extends Comment Deadline on Ajit Pais Proposal to Slash Broadband Standards. Senate Democrats are resisting the Federal Communications Commission and its Donald Trump appointed chief Ajit Pais proposals to radically change national standards governing access to and the quality of home broadband, Ars Technica reported, but its unclear whether they will be able to do more than stall him. Pais proposal would change Barack Obama era standards implemented under former chairman Tom Wheeler which are used to determine whether broadband providers are rolling out access to quality internet on a timely basis. Currently, the FCC defines acceptable broadband access as 2. Mbps downstream and 3. Mbps upstream, and additionally requires access to mobile services but as Ars Technica noted, Pai wants to redefine the standard to allow providers to substitute mobile internet at a speed of 1. Mbps. Thats less than half the speed of the current broadband standard. FQVvjr9ZuXQ/SGLnpYnpKuI/AAAAAAAAAHs/GHb8Okx621I/s400/ativado+autenticado+na+microsoft.png' alt='Windows 7 Home Basic 32 Bits Pt Br Iso Download' title='Windows 7 Home Basic 32 Bits Pt Br Iso Download' />Windows 7 Home Basic 32 Bits Pt Br Iso DownloadIn other words, under Pais proposal the FCC would count living in a cellular service area, with all of its associated slower speeds, data caps and higher monthly charges, as an acceptable level of service for residents. This is important because the FCC currently is required by law under the Telecommunications Act of 1. If Pai redefines the standard downwards, it would thus create a situation in which the FCC could pretend millions of people who currently have inadequate access to the internet actually donever mind that broadband and mobile are used for very different purposes. As Ars Technica wrote, last week 1. Windows-7-Home-Basic-Free.png?x14184' alt='Windows 7 Home Basic 32 Bits Pt Br Iso Download' title='Windows 7 Home Basic 32 Bits Pt Br Iso Download' />Democratic senators wrote a letter to Pai, urging him to extend a public comment deadline which would have expired on September 7th by 3. Thats an action the FCC agreed to take on Tuesday, moving the initial commenting deadline to September 2. October 6th. Such a striking change in policy would significantly and disproportionately disadvantage Americans in rural, tribal, and low income communities across the nation, whose livelihoods depend on a reliable and affordable broadband connection, the senators wrote. They continued Millions of Americans, particularly in low income, rural, and tribal communities, continue to go without acceptable broadband access. Senate Democrats are resisting the Federal Communications Commission and its Donald Trumpappointed chief Ajit Pais proposals to radically change national. Como Baixar qualquer ISO Original do Windows 7, 8. Nesse vdeo eu ensino Como baixar qualquer ISO Oficial do Windows 7. Update 2 If you are looking for a guide to Dual Boot Windows Vista and Mac OSX Leopard, please follow this guide Hack Attack Dual Boot Leopard and Windows Vista. Microsoft Security Essentials Windows 7 Windows Defender Windows 8,Windows RT, Windows 8. Windows RT 8. 1, Windows 10 Realtime protection against spyware. Windows 7 Home Basic 32 Bits Pt Br Iso Download' title='Windows 7 Home Basic 32 Bits Pt Br Iso Download' />The lack of service or high speed internet is preventing individuals in these communities from applying for jobs their children from doing their homework and many small business owners from running businesses out of their homes. Without a reliable and affordable broadband connection, the economies of these communities will be hampered and these Americans will fall behind. Under current law, the FCC is required to take steps to deploy broadband that supports high quality telecommunications capability to all Americans in a reasonable and timely manner. It is the Commissions statutory dutyand present policyto bridge this digital divide. Windows 8 Como alterar o idioma para portugus do Brasil Mudando o idioma do Windows 8. Mude o idioma do Windows 7 Starter, Home Basic, Premium e. But do tailor your answer to your audience. My Lifehacker colleagues choose the title blogger or journalist depending on how much theyre ready to get. Windows-7-Professional-Free-Download-Full-Version-ISO-32-64-Bit-1024x704.jpeg' alt='Windows 7 Home Basic 32 Bits Pt Br Iso Download' title='Windows 7 Home Basic 32 Bits Pt Br Iso Download' />By redefining what it means to have access, the FCC could abandon further efforts to connect Americans, as under this definition, its statutory requirement would be fulfilled. We believe that mobile broadband service cannot adequately support the same functions as does fixed service currently, and therefore, cannot be a substitute at this time. While the extension of the comment deadline is a small victory, the FCC is only required to consider those comments when making its final decisions. Under Pai, the agency has shown a flippant disregard for the commenting system, including claiming without any evidence a distributed denial of service attack crashed it at the same time net neutrality supporters were leaving millions of comments. Stevefx - Dx10 Scenery Fixer. One recent analysis of the comment system suggested the vast majority of comments the FCC received on separate net neutrality rules were spam, though proponents of open internet rules still outnumbered opponents 1. Pai also told Recode in May he did not believe FCC decisions needed to be subject to a numerical threshold, but that courts would only require the FCC to have sufficient facts to justify what course of action we are going to take. If Pai cannot be dissuaded through political pressure, as seems overwhelmingly likely, its unclear what can be done to stop the rule change from proceeding. The FCC board of commissioners is controlled by Republicans. Both the House and Senate committees which currently hold oversight powers over the FCC are also controlled by Republicans largely amenable to Pais plans. The commenting system page for Pais proposal can be located here. Ars Technica. Mude o idioma do Windows 7 Starter, Home Basic, Premium e Professional. Tutorial que ensina como alterar o idioma do Windows 7 em qualquer verso do Windows, mesmo sem a opo padro de troca de linguagem. A Microsoft no dispe de um recurso que possibilite a troca do idioma no Windows 7 Starter, Windows 7 Home Basic, Windows 7 Home Premium e nem no Windows 7 Professional. Apenas o Windows 7 Ultimate e Enterprise possuem um jeito fcil de troca de idioma como podem ver aqui Como alterar o idioma do Windows 7 Ultimate ou Enterprise. Mas h uma forma de instalar o pacote de idioma em todas as verses do Windows 7, como poderemos ver neste tutorial. Primeiro, baixe o pacote de idiomas fornecido oficialmente pela Microsoft nos links abaixo tomando cuidado para pegar a verso certa conforme seu sistema operacional, como se ele tem instalado o SP1 que so atualizaes mais recentes do sistema e tambm se a verso que usa a de 3. Recomendo salvar no diretrio Downloads do Windows. Pacotes de idiomas do Windows 7 Aps ter baixado o pacote para a pasta Downloads ou outra que preferir, abra o programa Explorer basta apertar no teclado a tecla com o smbolo do Windows e depois a letra E. Agora crie uma nova pasta diretrio na unidade C Disco local C com o nome de idioma. Para criar um novo diretrio basta clicar com o boto do mouse em alguma parte branca do programa Explorer e em seguida ir em New Folder. V ao diretrio onde baixou o pacote de idioma e o execute. Condenser Design Calculation Pdf Viewer'>Condenser Design Calculation Pdf Viewer. Voc perceber que aparecer um arquivo chamado lp. Bem, aqui voc ter que ser rpido. Ao executar o pacote de idioma que baixou, voc ter que arrastar este arquivo lp. C Pronto, agora o arquivo lp. Caso tenha dado algum erro ou no tenha conseguido arrastar ou copiar para a pasta, tente novamente at conseguir. Vamos agora ter que abrir o prompt de comando CMD do Windows 7 como administrador para passar alguns comandos e instalar este arquivo lp. Para isso, v no menu iniciar do Windows e procure por cmd. O programa cmd. exe dever aparecer nos resultados da busca. Clique com o boto direito do mouse em cima do cone do programa e escolha a opo Run as administrator ou Executar como administrador. Como voc colocou o arquivo lp. Windows preste ateno que o lp. L e no com i DISM Online Add Package Package. Path c idiomalp. Pronto, o Windows dever comear a instalar o pacote de idioma em seu computador. Demora um pouco, mas depois de concludo dever ver uma informao semelhante a esta de concluso da instalao. Agora dever digitar o seguinte comando neste mesmo prompt para selecionar o idioma portugus que acabou de instalar no Windows 7 bcdedit set current locale pt BRE dever aparecer a informao de que a operao foi concluda com xito como seu Windows dever estar em ingls, seria The operation completed successfully. Digite agora o comando abaixo para criar um arquivo de inicializao para o idioma bcdboot Win. Dir l pt BRPronto, a etapa com o prompt de comando foi concluda. Feche o prompt digitando o comando exit ou ento pela prpria janela. Para finalizar teremos que apagar um registro do Windows. Para isso, basta ir ao menu iniciar e em seguida buscar por regedit. Novamente clique com o boto direito do mouse em cima do nome do programa regedit. Run as administrator ou Executar como administrador. Agora encontre UILanguages que est localizado acessando as seguintes pastas hierrquicas HKEYLOCALMACHINESYSTEMCurrent. Control. SetControlMUIUILanguages. V clicando nas setinhas para ir abrindo outras pastas conforme est sendo indicado acima. No UILanguages voc ter duas pastas, en US e pt BR. Voc deve excluir o diretrio en US e deixar somente o pt BR. Para excluir basta clicar com o boto esquerdo do mouse em cima da pasta en US e excluir Delete. Contoh Soal Ujian Nasional Sma Ips 2013'>Contoh Soal Ujian Nasional Sma Ips 2013. Prontinho, agora ao reiniciar, seu Windows 7 Home Basic, Windows 7 Home Premium ou Windows 7 Professional dever estar em portugus do Brasil. Para quem usa o Windows 7 Ultimate ou Enterprise, veja este artigo Mude o idioma do Windows 7 Ultimate e Enterprise.