Fortran Programs For Physics

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Physics+Project+%E2%80%93+The+pendulum%2C+13.7.jpg' alt='Fortran Programs For Physics' title='Fortran Programs For Physics' />Timothy H. Kaiser,Ph. D. SDSCNPACItkaiserscsd. Introduction. Personal Introduction. The mind of the language writers. Justification for topics covered. Classification of topics covered. Listing of covered topics. The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland Washington is a U. S. Department of Energy DOE government research laboratory. The Laboratory focuses on. Fortran90 for Fortran77 Programmers Clive Page 2001 November 26 This document may be found at httpwww. Eset License Key Generator. Fortran Programs For Physics' title='Fortran Programs For Physics' />Format of our talk. Wide experience background. Electrical Engineering. Teaching/PHY201/worksheet4.png' alt='Fortran Programs For Physics' title='Fortran Programs For Physics' />Computer Science. Defense Industry. Teaching/PHY201/Harmonic.png' alt='Fortran Programs For Physics' title='Fortran Programs For Physics' />Beta tester of several Fortran compilers. I have had the chance to make just about every mistake in the book and. The mind of. the language writers. What were they thinking Enable portable codes. Include many common extensions. More reliable programs. Getting away from underlying hardware. Move toward parallel programming. Run old programs. Ease of programming. Recover C and C users. Gta Vice City Liberty City Mod'>Gta Vice City Liberty City Mod. Why FortranI dont know what the technical characteristics. I know itwill be called Fortran. John Backus. Language of choice for Scientific programming. Large installed user base. Fortran 9. 0 has most of the features of C. Principal language on the IBM SP Supercomputer and all Cray machines. The compilers produce better programs. Justification. Enhance performance. Enhance portability. Enhance reliability. Enhance maintainability. Classification. New useful features. Power features. Listing. Listing of topics covered. Format for our talk. What is a Genetic Algorithm. Simple algorithm for a GAOur example problem. Start of real Fortran. Comparing a FORTRAN 7. Fortran 9. 0 routine. Obsolescent features. New source Form and related thingsNew data declaration method. Kind facility. Modules. Module functions and subroutines. Allocatable arrays the basicsPassing arrays to subroutines. Interface for passing arrays. Optional arguments and intent. Derived data types. Using defined types. User defined operators. Recursive functions introduction. Fortran 9. 0 recursive functions. Pointers. Function and subroutine. Fortran Minval and Minloc. Pointer assignment. More pointer. usage, association and nullify. Pointer usage to reference. Data assignment with structures. Using the user defined operator. Passing arrays with a given. Using pointers. to access sections of arrays. Allocating an array. Our fitness function. Linked lists. Linked list usage. Our map representation. Non advancing and character. IODate and time functions. Internal IOInquire function. Namelist. Vector valued functions. Complete source for. Some array specific. The rest of our GACompiler Information. Fortan 9. 5Summary. References. Format. We will develop an application. Incorporate f. 90 features. Show source code. Explain what and why as we do it. Important parts of source code are in red    If. I dont talk about it, ask. Application is a genetic algorithm. Easy to understand and program. Offers rich opportunities for enhancement. What. is a Genetic Algorithm. A suboptimization system. Find good, but maybe not optimal, solutions to difficult problems. Often used on NP Hard or combinatorial optimization problems. Solutions to the problem represented as a string. A fitness function. Takes as input the solution string. Output the desirability of the solution. A method of combining solution strings to generate new solutions. Find solutions to problems by Darwinian evolution. Potential solutions ar though of as living entities in a population. The strings are the genetic codes for the individuals. Fittest individuals are allowed to survive to reproduce. GA. Generate a initial population, a collection of strings. Our example problem. Given a map of the N  states or countries and a fixed number of colors. Find a coloring of the map, if it exists, such that no two states that. In general, for a fixed number of colors and an arbitrary map the only. NUMBEROFCOLORSNSTATES. The strings of our population are integer vectors represent the coloring. Our fitness function returns the number of boarder violations. The GA searches for a mapping with few, hopefully 0 violations. This problem is related to several important NPHARD problems in computer. Processor scheduling. Communication and grid allocation for parallel computing. Fortran 9. 0 discussion A preview  Comparing a FORTRAN 7. Fortran 9. 0 routine. The routine is one of the random number generators from  Numerical. Recipes, The Art of Scientific Computing. Press, Teukolsky, Vetterling. Flannery.   Cambridge University Press 1. Obsolescent features. The following are available in Fortran 9. On the other hand, the concept. This means that some constructs may be removed. Arithmetic IF statement. Control variables in a DO loop which are floating. Terminating several DO loops on the same statement. Terminating the DO loop in some other way than. CONTINUE or END DO. Alternate return. Jump to END IF from an outer block. ASSIGN and assigned GOTO and assigned FORMAT. Hollerith editing in FORMAT. New. Lines can be longer than 7. Csc Orion 18 Crack. Statements can start in any column. Use to put multiple statements on one line. New forms for the do loop. Many functions are generic. Many new array assignment techniques. Flexibility can aid in program readability. Readability decreases errors. Can no longer use C to start a comment. Character in column 5 no longer is continue. Tab is not a valid character may produce a warning. Characters past 7. New. data declaration method. Variables can now have attributes such as. Attributes are assigned in the variable declaration statement. One variable can have several attributes. Requires Fortran 9. Other Attributes. Assume we have a program that we want to run on two different machines. We want the same representation of reals on both machines  same number. Problem different machines have different representations for reals. Digits of precision for machine and data type. MachineData Type    Real      Double Precision. IBM SP      6          1. Cray T9. 0    1. Cray T3. E    1. We may want to run with at least 6 digits today and at least 1. Use the SelectRealKindP function to create a data type with P digits. Can convert tofrom given precision for all variables created using b. Use the SelectRealKindP,R function to create a data type with P digits. RModules. Motivation Common block usage is prone to error. Provide most of capability of common blocks but safer. Provide capabilities beyond common blocks. Modules can contain Data definitions. Data to be shared much like using a labeled common. Functions and subroutines. Interfaces more on this laterYou include a module with a use statementmodule numz  integer. Encapsulate related functions and subroutines. Can USE these functions in a program or subroutine. Can be provided as a library. Only routines that contain the use statement can see the routines. Example is a random number package module ranmodExersize 1  Write a program that returns 1. At compile time we may not know the size an array need to be. We may want to change problem size without recompiling. Allocatable arrays allow us to set the size at run time. We set the size of the array using the allocate statement. We may want to change the lower bound for an array. A simple example module numz  integer, parameter b. F T. 0          1. There are several ways to specify arrays for subroutines. Examplesubroutine arraysanexplicitshapearray,amp. Explicit shape    integer, dimension8,8 anexplicitshapearray Assumed size    integer, dimensioni, anassumedsizearrayAssumed Shape    integer, dimension, anassumedshapearray    writesumanexplicitshapearray    writelboundanassumedsizearray. Interface. for passing arrays. Warning  When passing. Similar to C prototypes but much more versatile.