Sri Lankan Aid Programs
Overview of Australias aid program to Sri Lanka. How we are helping. Total Australian ODA Estimated Outcome2. Bilateral Budget Estimate1. Total Australian ODA Estimate2. The Australian Government is providing an estimated 2. ODA to Sri Lanka in 2. That includes an estimated 1. DFAT. Sri Lanka has experienced strong economic growth for more than a decade. Sri Lanka has reduced its rate of extreme poverty from 2. Sri Lankan Aid Programs' title='Sri Lankan Aid Programs' />A twentyfive year civil war in Sri Lanka came to a close in May 2009. The war was an insurgency against the Sri Lankan government by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil. Sri Lankan Aid Programs' title='Sri Lankan Aid Programs' />However, poverty and economic marginalisation remain in many rural areas particularly in districts directly affected by the civil conflict that ended in 2. As the Sri Lankan economy continues to grow, opportunities for greater two way trade and investment will increase. Australias aid program assists Sri Lankas progress as a secure, stable and prosperous partner in the Indian Ocean region. We are transitioning our program toward an economic partnership approach, with the aim of maximising the number of Sri Lankans who benefit from economic growth. This will also contribute to our long standing commitment to furthering reconciliation. The following three objectives define our Aid Investment Plan for Sri Lanka Objective 1 Expand economic opportunities for the poor Australia will identify and invest in target sectors and improvements to value chains that offer the highest potential to benefit the poor, especially women. We will work closely with the private sector and government to improve the relevance and quality of skills, technology, regulations and policies which will increase and stabilise the incomes of the poor. Expand economic opportunities for the poor in Sri Lanka. Objective 2 Support government to be more responsive to the needs of citizens and the private sector Australia will invest to improve the responsiveness of all levels of government to the needs of citizens and the private sector. This includes investments in innovative reforms to raise revenue, developing service delivery benchmarks, better targeting of services and making it easier to register small businesses. Our investments will better equip ordinary citizens and small businesses to influence policy. Support government to be more responsive to the needs of citizens and the private sector in Sri Lanka. Objective 3 Increase gender equality We will invest in overcoming the causes of gender inequality, including social exclusion and inter communal and domestic based violence. Our investments will expand womens opportunities to earn income and accumulate economic assets, increase the representation of women at all levels of decision making and increase access to support services and justice for survivors of violence. Sri Lankan Aid Programs' title='Sri Lankan Aid Programs' />Increase gender equality in Sri Lanka. Our resultscompleted construction of 7. US3 billion in foreign direct investment, US2. Forestry Department and communities to regenerate 2. Sri Lankas 2. 5 districts to contest upcoming local government elections and endowed 1. Australias aid program assists Sri Lankas progress as a secure, stable and prosperous partner in the Indian Ocean region. Australia Awards for Sri Lankan students to study in Australia in 2. Australia supports the rebuilding and renovation of schools and the improving of educator skills through its investments in the World Bank managed Transforming Schools Education Project AUD 5. Cultures 2 The Gates Of Asgard Full Download. UNICEFs Child Friendly Schools Project AUD 2. Australia supports the construction of roads and marketplaces, installation of rural electrification infrastructure and building of clean water infrastructure through its investment in the World Bank managed North and East Local Services Improvement Project NELSIP AUD 2. Australia supported de mining through a series of Humanitarian Mine Action investments total AUD 1. Australia has supported, and continues to support, job creation and increases economic activity through a range of investments, including NELSIP, the Australian Community Rehabilitation Program AUD 4. History. Sri Lanka has a long military history going back to more than 2000 years. The roots of the modern Sri Lankan military lead back to the colonial era when the. Sri Lankan Ayurvedic Medicine For Cholesterol Best Weightlifting Exercises To Burn Fat Sri Lankan Ayurvedic Medicine For Cholesterol 100 Guarantee Belly Fat. Sri Lankan Ayurvedic Medicine For Cholesterol 7 Day Detox Pinterest Djehuty Full Body Detox Coupon Swiss Detox Diet. Date 23 July 1983 25 years, 9 months, 3 weeks and 4 days Location Sri Lanka Result Sri Lankan government victory Rebel group Liberation Tigers. B2C4/production/_96246754_mediaitem96246753.jpg' alt='Sri Lankan Aid Programs' title='Sri Lankan Aid Programs' />Economic Opportunities for the Poor program AUD 3. Community Forestry Program AUD 5 million. Australia supports local authorities to improve the quality of their governance through the Subnational Governance Program AUD 6 million and the Strengthening Northern Provincial Council project AUD 5. Our changing program. With an estimated total ODA budget in 2. Sri Lankan government, the private sector and the community sector. The program will continue its transition from post conflict reconstruction to supporting economic growth and improving governance, reflecting Sri Lankas emergence as a middle income country. We will focus on enabling and equipping other development actors including the Sri Lankan government, private sector and civil society to deliver sustainable economic growth.