The Crystal Bible By Judy Hall Ebook Readers

The Crystal Bible By Judy Hall Ebook Readers Rating: 9,3/10 6529reviews

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You came into your bedroom to put your Bible on the dresser. As you opened the door into your bedroom you hear a noise in your closet. You open the closet door to investigate. All of a sudden a hand grips your arm and a gruff voice says GOTCHA You go from pale to pink to purple to pale. Your automatic nervous system kicks in immediately, releasing adrenalin into your blood stream. Your heart races, your blood pressure rises, and you let out a blood curdling scream Was all that show something you were intending to do as you came in that doorWhy didnt you control your emotions Is it not sinful for you to react so out of control Should godly Christian women not have their emotions in control at all times I ask you that because many an honest and maybe a tad nave woman has asked If a Christian man sees a partially exposed woman and has a problem with that, is that not a sign that he is pervertedYes, he is perverted. Examples of Materials That Can Be Adapted For Therapy a collection of resources by Judith Maginnis Kuster. The following is one section of Judith Kusters Net. Its 62112 I am getting a lot of harsh comments lately on this post so I know that somewhere this link is being spread to readers who dont frequent. BibMe Free Bibliography Citation Maker MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard. We all are. There used to be a time at the beginning of time when an all wise Creator made man and woman perfect. And naked. The Bible says And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed Genesis 2 2. The Crystal Bible By Judy Hall Ebook Readers' title='The Crystal Bible By Judy Hall Ebook Readers' />Torrentz will always love you. Farewell. 20032016 Torrentz. Reviews, essays, books and the arts the leading international weekly for literary culture. Top VIdeos. Warning Invalid argument supplied for foreach in srvusersserverpilotappsjujaitalypublicindex. That whole picture changed. After the woman partook of the fruit and gave to her husband, they went looking for something to cover their nakedness, because they were ashamed. Situs Download Game Android Selain Play Store. Here the all wise Creator stepped in and did something about that nakedness. He covered them both. He covered their nakedness. From this we can gather that if God clothed both of them, it is necessary that both man and woman be covered. Not because all of a sudden something had changed in their bodies, but because of the sin they now had to deal with. Sin opened their eyes to nakedness like never before. Clothing helps control the sinful nature. Satan tries to pervert all things God made. It is not that beauty is perversion. It just has to be covered so there is no perversion. But even though we are perverted, that is not the first thing that kicks in when a man sees parts of a woman that should be covered. It is the automatic nervous system that kicks in and reacts. It cannot be helped, just the same as you could not help the reaction when that hand grabbed your arm. Just because you, as a woman, do not experience that reaction, does not mean it does not happen. Men are aroused by sight. Extremely so Sure, a Christian man can, and needs to, look away, resist the devil and think on other things. But that does not reverse what already happenedAs my daughter, I want you to know this and the rest of what I want to share with you. It will keep you pure. It will protect you. It will make you wise. We live in a society that revels in nakedness. It is the thing we are bombarded with on billboards, magazines, the daily paper and the women out on the street. Sadly, many nave Christian women have copied some of the trends of this nakedness and gone up for public display. So not only do we as men have to be resisting the devil on the street, we have to do it in church. Again, as a woman you may not understand it, but it is true. I have talked with many an honest pastor and leader to know that it is not only the weak who struggle with this. It is a natural thing given to men by an all wise Creator. Intended for a beautiful relationship between a man and his wife Men were created to be the initiators. Women were created to be the responders. Any woman in a marriage relationship can be thankful for the stimulation the female body evokes in a man. No woman is perfect in body, but let me hasten to tell you that all women have plenty enough to stimulate any man. Exactly how God intended it to be But that is also why all females have to be so careful in the way they dress, walk, bend over or act. The more right your figure is, the more careful you have to be. And you are a poor judge as to what is right. Those breasts or those hips you think are too big or gross, and positively hate, are the very things that will turn on a man. And again, you are a poor judge to determine how big is too big. That is because there is virtually no female set of hips, ample as they may be, that will not cause a mans heart to pitter patter, especially when draped over with a soft clingy fabric. And how beautiful, if that is the mans wife. But what if she isnt She becomes a snare and a fiery dart in the hand of Satan. And if you are small You are still female. A small woman may be able to hide her figure a little bit easier, but that doesnt mean she is not stimulating to the mans eye. And I repeat The feminine shape is beautiful Both in the eyes of the Creator who made you that way and in the eyes of all men. That is why you have to cover it so not all men see it. In order for you to have no doubt as to what I am speaking about let me explain a few things very specifically where you have to be careful. I am writing this so you can have something to read and reread something to supplement what we have already taught you. I am not trying to be legalistic or pushy in what I say. I am trying to protect your purity. Also it is because I do not want you to be an accessory in the Devils arsenal. I do not want you to be a Bathsheba. Bathsheba had no intention to make anyone sin. All she was doing was bathing in a place where she was visible. And David was not wicked either. The Bible says he was a man after Gods own heart. Acts 1. 3 2. 2 But in the presence of a naked woman, he was weak. She started a process that ended up in sin, murder and much heartache. It would not have happened if she would have looked for a secluded place to take her bath. You say I only bathe in a secluded place. I commend you for that and I will always strive to provide you with just such a place. But the sin of Bathsheba was exposure of skin that should not have been public. When we make other people sin, we are accountable for that. The Bible says Neither be partaker of other mens sins keep thyself pure I Timothy 5 2. I believe the Bible stresses modesty in women so they will not make men sin. Women have very little problem with being aroused by what they see. That is why the Bible doesnt expound on how the men need to be modest. The following points are some ways in which you can expose too much of yourself Short dresses. What is short That is a question many women ask. Let me just tell you that legs on a woman are very seductive. The more exposed they are, the more seductive. Why Because it draws the eyes and the imagination up the legs. In order to not tempt the average man you will have to have your dresses as long as possible. Remember that even if a dress comes well below the knees when you are standing, it will come up further when you sit down. And do not think only of the front part you see. Many a woman sits and spreads her skirts around the front and forgets that the back is exposed to full view. And if you have ever thought of making your dress shorter and cover the legs with nylons, you are way off course. Thin nylons do not help They actually make it worse because it brings out the shape and covers them with a flaw eraser. In wearing socks use such as will not accent the shape or draw attention. And cover your legs with your dress Short sleeves. Again, what is short If you know men have a problem with exposed skin, how much do you want to expose A meek woman will cover instead of trying to see how much she can expose.